UK EP's Chart
From Record Retailer (RR): started 10-3-1960 (Top 10) changed: 17-3-1960 (Top 15) 24-3-1960 (Top 20) 14-4-1966 (Top 10)

Last chart apeared on 30-11-1967


The chart run format

The numbers in a run represent chart positions in consecutive weeks. Example 13-*3*-45 means first week on #13, 2nd week at its peak on #3, 3rd week dropped to #45.
A "0" means NOT on the chart (see re-entries).
(36/24/5 wks) at the end of a runs means 36 weeks chart entries, including 24 in the top 10, and 5 at #1. If there's only one number, there were no weeks spent in the top 10.
If the run was interrupted by a drop off of no longer than 4 weeks, more numbers appear to indicate the number of consecutive
Example: (51-41c/14-11c/1 wks) 51 weeks on chart, of which 41 consecutive, 14 weeks in top 10, of which 11 consecutive, 1 week at #1.

Runs interrupted by a new (calendar) year or chart runs that are re-entries are also followed by a weeks so far number.
Example: (1 wk, 52 wsf) 1 week on chart this run, 52 accumulated weeks (total weeks until this date).


Top 10 entries are printed in bold and in blue, the chart peak is printed in red and indicated by asteriks (*), only for the first time when the record reached the peak.
If a single or song didn't make the top 10, the peak position is also highlighted with the bold typeface.


For trans-atlantic records (charted in both UK and US), the chart info of the other country is shown at the end of the run.
Example: US #1/24/13/1 means this record was a hit in the US, it peaked at #1, had 24 weeks on the chart (of which 13 in the top 10 and 1 at #1) in that country.

When the record briefly drops out of the chart, a "0" will appear in the chart run. If the record returns within 5 weeks, the run will not be broken.
If a record drops out for 5 weeks or more and then re-enters the charts, a new run, indicated by "Re" and a sequence number will be printed.
Example: 45-0-0-0-0-33 dropped out the charts for 4 weeks, then re-entered at #33.
If there is more than 1 re-entry, which is not indicated as such, a "Total # of re-entries" is printed.
Also, the weeks on chart of all the runs (main and re's) are added up together and printed in the "Total # of weeks" line.

The line with Total # of weeks is only printed when there is at least one re-entry. The highest number of consecutive weeks and total weeks spent in the top 10, top 20 and top 40 (if applicable) is also printed.
Example: 43-26c (Top 10: 12, Top 20: 16) 43 weeks on chart, of which 26 weeks was the longest consecutive run, 12 weeks in the top 10, 16 in the top 20.



EP's Chart

UK Date: 23/01/1964 - Run: 17-5-2-*1*-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-7-6-5-5-6-3-6-10-9-8-15-11- (50 wsf)

07/01/1965: 11-19-0-0-16-13-14 (55-52c/47/14 wks)

Re #01: 22/04/1965 19-13 (2 wks)

Total # of re-entries: 2

Total # of weeks: 57-52c (Top 10: 47, Top 20: 57, #1: 14)




EP's Chart

UK Date: 27/08/1964 - Run: 3-*1*-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-3- (19 wsf)

07/01/1965: 3-2-3-3-1-3-1-2-1-2-4-2-1-1-1-3-2-2-3-3-4-5-7-9-14-12-19-14-0-0-0-17-13-12-15-18-18-19 (54-47c/43/21 wks)



EP's Chart

UK Date: 24/06/1965 - Run: 4-*1*-2-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-3-4-6-6-6-6-5-8-7-6-8-9- (28 wsf)

01/01/1966: 9-14-10-11-12-15-16-14-16-16-11-14-13-19 (42/30-29c/2 wks)

Top 10 re-entries: 1



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